[pullquote align=”normal” cite=”Peter Drucker – Legendary Management Consultant”]Marketing is too important to be left in the hands of Marketers[/pullquote]

At GlobeVista we are not a fan of conventional, “hypey” marketing that just does not work when it comes to marketing to a sophisticated audience.

Here is why:

In 2020, Marketing is an Engineering Problem!

In fact, the ONLY marketing that works today is MEASUREABLE, driven by ANALYTICS and based on LOGICAL systems. All of these systems become much more potent when we incorporate video content.

At GlobeVista, we have developed the BUSINESS MULTIPLIER SYSTEM (BMS) and it is the exact system that we have perfected over many years to deliver proven sales results in highly competitive markets.

Business Multiplier System

The Business Multiplier System (BMS) is applied as follows:

STEP 1 – BMS ASSESSMENT i.e. Make an assessment today in EACH of the separate systems above – Apply a “BMS SCORE” – template/metrics provided

STEP 2 – IDENTIFY PROBLEM(S) - Identify the constraints/bottlenecks in each of the separate systems. Choose ONE problem/constraint (usually the worst one – the weakest link)

STEP 3 – Get BUY-IN. - Drive from the top. The management team must be fully supportive.

STEP 4 – ACTION STRATEGY – Agree on best strategy to solve the problem

STEP 5 – MASSIVE ACTION – Delegate action(s) to totally eradicate the problem/constraint. The constraint will move to another area.

We like to apply 30 Day improvement cycles and re-assess at the end of each 30 Day period. It is possible to run say 2 or 3 improvement cycles, in parallel during any given month – but not too many. We have found by experience that this rigorous approach is an extremely potent way to improve the performance of the business.