(previous … Governor Thomas Brisbane)

Governor Brisbane was succeeded by Sir Ralph Darling, who was a soldier, but at the same time a man well adapted for business. Yet he too failed. He was precise and methodical, and his habits were painfully careful, exhibiting the sort of diligence which takes infinite trouble and anxiety over details, to the neglect of larger and more important matters.

Australian Agricultural Company

His administration lasted six years, from 1825-1831. During this period an association was formed with England, consisting of merchants and members of Parliament, who subscribed capital of one million pounds and received form Government a grant of one million acres in New South Wales. They called themselves the Australian Agricultural Company and proposed to improve and cultivate the wastelands of Australia, to import sheep and cattle for squatting purposes, to open up mines for coal and metals and in general to profit from the vast resources of the colony.

Sir Edward Parry

Sir Edward Parry, the famous polar navigator, was sent out as manager. The servants and employees of the Association formed quite a flourishing colony on the Liverpool Plains, at the head of the Darling River and though at first, it caused some confusion in the financial state of New South Wales, in the end, it proved of great benefit to the whole colony.

Recalled to England

Governor Darling was never a popular Governor so it wasn’t surprising following the Newspaper War,  where he was ferociously criticised by opposing newspapers for a serious breach of protocol, he was recalled back to England in 1831.

(continues … The Legislative Council)