Edward Gibbon Wakefield (1796 – 1862), In 1829, Wakefield publishes a book in which he proposes to found a colony on the principle of charging a “sufficient” price for the land so to keep it under control of the wealthy.

South Australian Association – A company is formed in 1831 but has its charter rejected under the grounds it was asking for too much – Second company is formed in 1833 – Commissioners are appointed – Preparations for colonization begin.

Early Settlement of Adelaide – In 1836 the first landing by the new settlers is made on Kangaroo Island – The settlement is abandoned shortly after – New site chosen for city to be called Adelaide.

Governor John Hindmarsh  and early failures (1785-1860) – On his arrival to the new colony was displeased with its location – Quarrels with officers already present- In 1838 the Governor was recalled – Settlers were not prepared to encounter the inevitable difficulties – Many chose to live in Adelaide rather than on the land – This was helped along by speculation about the profits expected in town allotments.

Governor George Gawler (1795-1869) – In 1838, costly public works projects commenced, to provide poorer immigrants with employment – Unfortunately there were no means of paying for these projects and buildings – Governor Gawler draws from the Imperial Treasury – The drafts are dishonoured, as the British Government refuses to pay – The Adelaide Colony is declared pretty much bankrupt.

The Collapse of the Adelaide Colony – Adelaide is in a miserable condition – Many people leave the colony, returning home to England – Others, unable to afford the fare home are driven by the necessity to work on the land – This produces a favourable change – Arrival of overlanders from NSW with sheep – The English Government eventually recall Governor George Gawler in 1841 – Governor Gawler is replaced by Captain George Grey.