Governor Grey and South Australia (1841 -1845) : Governor Grey assisted the colonists to find their fortunes. Grey firstly reduced the large expenditure and encouraged agricultural settlement. Within a short time the colony was booming.

Mineral Wealth in South Australia:1841 – The first discovery of mineral deposits in South Australia happened by pure chance when a carrier and his team of bullocks unearthed galena. It was through this find that the colony began to develop,as ores of lead were discovered on the Mount Lofty Range. The following year in 1842 copper was first found at Kapunda, where Messrs. Bagot and Dutton opened up very valuable mines.

Burra Mines: In 1845 The Burra Mines were bought by the combination of two rival companies nicknamed, the “nobs” and the “snobs”. In order for the two companies to stop outside speculators, they were forced to join forces, with the agreement to split the 20,000 acres. The “snobs”, or tradesmen gained the valuable portion called Burra.

Governors Robe and Young:  Governor Robe (1845 – 1848) was conservative and not so popular as Grey. Robe was eventually replaced by Sir Henry Young (1848 – 1854) who exerted himself to aid the progress of the colony; but failed in his premature attempts to open up the navigation of the Murray, by removing the bar, by founding Port Elliot and by giving a reward to Captain Cadell for sailing up the river.