Lesson Three

We’ll need the Texta again. The first thing to do is draw a happy face on your iron club. A five or six iron is best but if you don’t have one of these, any iron will do. Draw an arrow from the side of the happy face straight out to the toe of the club ( diagram 1).

Now put the club down for a minute. We are going to practise the moves we need to make without it. As shown in diagram 2, turn to the trail side and pass the ball to a helper.

This move is natural and will feel the same as if you were turning to shake hands with someone. Now turn to the target side (diagram 3) and pass the ball to your helper again.

It will also feel as if you are turning to shake hands. Now pick up the club, take your ready position and see what happens to the clubface when you make the same moves.

As you start the backswing (diagram 2) imagine you are turning and shaking hands.

The arrow should point straight up in the air and the clubface now points outwards. As you continue further back, the arrow points towards the target ( diagram 3).

As you complete the backswing, the arrow points at the ground (diagram 4).

The club shaft should be above your trail side shoulder at the top of the backswing and the point approximately towards the target. As you unwind back towards the ball, the clubface should follow the path it took on the backswing. Continue on through towards the target, to the position that feels the same as when you shook hands or passed the ball to your helper on the target side (diagram 6).

In this position, the arrow points to the sky again, the club shaft points just left of the target and the clubface points inwards. From here, the club shaft swings over your shoulders and you are facing the target in a balanced finish position as shown in diagram 7.

Swing the golf club and just let the ball get in the way. Do not hit at the ball.