Australian Steam Navigation CompanyThe ASN Building (Australian Steam Navigation Company Building) or Ordnance Bond Stores are located on Hickson Road at The Rocks in Sydney. These warehouses were known as Bond Stores, where goods remained in the storage until importers paid the customs duty on them.

The building was designed by architect, William Wilkinson Wardell in the Pre-Federation Anglo-Dutch Style and completed between 1884-1885.  The five-story, four-bay warehouse and a single bay of four stories of offices were built in polychrome brick and sandstone and featured capped Dutch gables.

Sydney Cove was the hub of the State’s commerce and international shipping transport until the late nineteenth century. The land was originally leased to John Baugham in 1794 but he sold the lease to Robert Campbell (Sydney’s first merchant entrepreneur) in 1798.

ASN Building , SydneyCampbell erected the Wharf House then later sold part of his grant to the ASN company in 1876. Michael Metcalfe (1813-1890), a prominent Sydney merchant was one of the founders of the Australian Steam Navigation Company and following the demise of ASN Co, he was responsible for the building of the Metcalfe Bond Stores in 1884.

In 1887 the Crown acquired the ASN Co building and a few years later it became the Government Ordnance Bond Stores. In 1906 the building was handed over to the Department of defence and in 1950 was occupied by the Australian Commonwealth Offices.

Remains of hoist pulleys are still visible on the outside of the building.