
(previous … David Collins)

It took some time for the news of Governor Collins’ death to reach England and during the three years that passed before his successor could be sent out, the town was run by Lord, Murray and Gills until in 1813, the new Governor, Thomas Davey, arrived.

Not The Most Dignified Governor

Thomas Davey had been a Colonel of Marines and even though he had been a good soldier, he had few of the qualities of a Governor. He was rough and excessively course in his manners and had absolutely no decorum. He showed his defiance of all conventional rules. On a warm day, he took off his coat and waistcoat and marched into town in a costume more casual than dignified. He listened to the address of welcome with careless indifference and showed little respect for himself or for the people he had come to govern. Yet, under his rule, the colony made great progress.

Tasmania Prospers

In his first year he opened the port to ordinary merchant ships which had previously been prohibited as the town was a convict settlement ofthe msot severe kind. As soon as the port opened, commerce began springing up, free settlers spread throughout Tasmania and began cultivating with great success. By 1816 the colony was doing so well that, besides supplying all the necessities for their own community, they were able to export grain to Sydney.

(continues … New Norfolk on the Derwent)