September 22, 2016


The sinking of the ship Titanic will go down in history as one of the greatest maritime disasters of all time. The much anticipated maiden voyage of the “unsinkable’ steamship was one of the biggest events of 1912. For weeks, if not months there was nothing but talk about the newest steamship. Some of the world’s richest and most powerful people were booked on the journey to New York, not daring to miss out on her first journey. GlobeVista’s website Titanicberg gives detailed accounts of the events, the survivors, the lost souls, the pets,  the myths and rumours .


Did you know there were 9 dogs on board the Titanic, three of which survived. Margaret Hay’s Pomeranian (lifeboat #7), Elizabeth Rothchild’s pooch (lifeboat # 6) and Henry Sleeper Harper’s Pekinese, Sun Yat Sen (Lifeboat # 3) . Among the dogs that didn’t make it was champion bulldog, Gamon de Pycombe and a St Bernard. It is rumored that a passenger (John Astor) had freed the dogs from the kennels when all hope was gone.




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