
Manjimup, Western Australia Manjimup is located in the South-West corner of Western Australia, approximately 304km south of Perth.

Brief History of Manjimup

The tall timber town was established in 1910 as a result of the railway line, which was built to service the rapidly growing timber industry.

The name Manjimup was derived from an Aboriginal word “manjin” the name given for the edible root of a bulrush and “up” meaning place of water, together they mean “edible root of bulrush at watering hole”.

The first European settler in the Manjimup district was a timber cutter, Thomas Muir, in 1856. During the 1920s group, settlers known as ‘Groupies’ ventured into the area near One Tree Bridge to clear land as part of the State Government’s Group Settlement Scheme.

Today Manjimup is known as the Jewel of the South West and is a thriving community based around the timber and agriculture industries. Agriculture includes dairy, vegetables (onions, cauliflower, peas and potatoes) fruit growing (cherries and apples), truffles, wine and beef and sheep farming.

Manjimup Cherries

There are also numerous festivals celebrated throughout the year in Manjimup and nearby towns including the Cherry Harmony Festival and the Nannup Music Festival.

The tree towers are one of the areas greatest attractions. These huge lookouts, which are dotted throughout the jarrah and karri forests, were established in the 1930s by the Forests Department as a way of pinpointing the location of forest fires quickly. Click for more Manjimup History.

Things You May Not Know About Manjimup

One of Australia’s most well-known poets, Adam Lindsay Gordon, settled in the area in 1866. It was Adam Lindsay Gordon’s shepherd who was the first to discover graphite near the Donnelly River, which started a short-lived mining industry.

On the King Jarrah Heritage Trail you can find a jarrah tree that some have claimed is over 1200 years old.

Manjimup holds the annual Cherry Harmony Festival, which features the festival, long table lunch, and the GlobeVista Australasian Cherry Pip Spitting Championships.

Olympic Torch Sculpture

The 51 m high Diamond Tree Lookout has a wooden treetop tower right at the top of the tree and is the only one of its kind in the world.

Manjimup is fast becoming the Truffle capital of Australia, thanks to the Truffle and Wine Company. Truffles (fungi not chocolate) are a delicacy in Europe and can sell for around $3,000 a kg. No wonder they are called “Black Gold”.

Manjimup has an interesting collection of public art.